School Council
What is school council?
A new school council is elected each year, with every class from Year 1 to Year 6. Children are elected by their classmates and share why they feel they will be a good school councillor. This supports our British values and democracy at Hale Academy. All posts are held for one year. This creates a central group that share their views on behalf of the whole school and makes decisions about school life. School councillors are then able to take our big questions back to their classes and are able to encourage others to share their views. We value the opinions of our pupils, the School Council gives pupils a forum to share these opinions with the Head teacher, Academy Council, other members of staff and each other.
What we want to achieve this year
Develop a greater understanding of what makes us a better learner
How we can improve wellbeing at Hale for everyone
How can we develop our PRIDE point systems, and recognition for achievements?
What we have achieved so far
Developed positive behaviour policy and a child’s version
Developed our good to be green system adding bronze, silver and gold stars
Selected new learning equipment for the school
Voted for the new trim trail
Shared views with the Hale Academy Council
Developed an antibullying policy
Worked to resolve issues with lunchtimes and playtimes
Worked on developing healthier lunchboxes