School Timings

The School Office is open between 8.30am and 4.00pm (Monday to Thursday) and between 8.30am and 3:30pm on Friday.

Our school day timings are as follows:-

8.45 a.m. Gates open
8.55 a.m. Registration
10.00-10.15 a.m. Break time
11.00 a.m. Assembly
12:15-1.05 p.m. Lunch time
2.15 - 2.30 p.m. Daily mile
3.30 p.m. Home time

 * Please note that EYFS timings differ from this and can be found here:


At Hale Academy, the school gates open at 8.45 am.

Classroom/Main doors open at 8.45 am and close at 8.55 am.

All pupils are expected to be in school, settled and ready for registration to start at 8.55 am.

The Academy gates close at 8.55 am.

Any child arriving after registration has started at 8.55 am, is required to go to the Academy Office to sign in.

If accompanied to the Academy Office, a parent or carer should give a reason for the lateness, which will be
added to the register. The child will then walk, or be escorted, to their classroom.

All registers at the academy are closed at 9.15 am.

Pupils arriving after 8.55 am. but before the close of registration (9.15 am) will be marked as late; this is
recorded using the L code.

After 9.15 am, pupils will be marked as absent for the morning session; this is recorded using the U code.

Parents will be contacted and asked to provide a reason for this absence.

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