Home Learning Expectations

Dear Parent/Carer,

Thank you for your ongoing support with Home Learning; the children have already made an amazing start with it this year! We have been carefully thinking about the Home Learning that is sent out and have chosen the following activities that we strongly believe will be the most impactful for pupils. These are our Home Learning expectations:

  1. Five reads a week - this will continue to be our number one priority for Home Learning. Research consistently shows that this is the single most important thing that parents/carers can do to support their child with their learning at home. Pupils will continue to receive a weekly class reward if they complete five reads and a further reward if they complete twenty five!
  2. Thematic Home Learning - pupils are expected to complete one activity per half term from the Thematic Home Learning that your class teacher sends out. Please complete one or more, as time allows for your individual circumstance. The Thematic Home Learning provides pupils with a range of general topic activities and activities that link closely to the rich texts that they have been reading in class. These tasks are designed to complement and support thematic topic learning in school.
  3. In addition to this, pupils will also be set a third piece of home learning each week, which will be rotated to give pupils a mix of different subject areas. These might include:
  • A My Maths activity
  • Multiplication tables set on TT Rockstars
  • Phonics (Reception and KS1) - Phonics Play or another resource
  • A Literacy task

* If you feel that you would like to do more, then pleaseā€¦.read! There is a suggested further reading list for each of the topics near the bottom of their Thematic Home Learning sheet. Reading around the topic will really help your child to make links in their learning and broaden their knowledge of the topic area.

Thank you for your continued support,

Ms Partington
Curriculum Lead

10 Top tips listening to your child read page 210 Top tips listening to your child read page 3

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