Meet Our Governors

In accordance with the Kite Academy Trust's governance structure as defined in its Articles of Association, Hale Nursery & Primary Academy has a local advisory body, known as an Academy Council. The Academy Council is formed of Governors with a breadth of experience and skills who volunteer their time to ensure the very best outcomes for all children at the academy.

As a sub-committee of the Kite Academy Trust Board of Trustees, the role of the Academy Council is:

• To ensure that the academy provides the highest possible level of education for all children;
• To ensure the safety and welfare of children and staff;
• To ensure the Trust’s vision and values are well-embedded and promoted by leaders amongst staff, children and stakeholders;
• To ensure that support and robust challenge is given to the Academy Head;
• To ensure that the leadership of the academy have high expectations for all children, including those with special needs;
• To ensure the curriculum is ambitious with appropriate breadth for all children in the academy;
• To ensure the Academy Improvement Plan delivers improvement;
• To ensure risk is both managed and reported to the Trust Board;
• To ensure that the academy has effective and appropriate systems and procedures in place;
• To be accountable to stakeholders (Board of Trustees, parents, pupils, staff and local community)

An Academy Council is constituted as follows:

1 Academy Head
1 Staff Governor
2 Parent Governors
2 Local Community Governors (minimum)

The Academy Head is automatically a Governor by virtue of their position. Two Parent Governors are elected by parents of the academy and the Staff Governor is elected by employees of the academy. Local Community Governors are co-opted as necessary to provide the skills and experience needed by the Academy Council. In addition, the Academy Council may appoint other persons as Associate Academy Council Members to address any specifically identified skill gaps or to support any particular challenges that they may be facing. With the exception of the Academy Head, Governors serve a four year term and are eligible for re-appointment (subject to an election where necessary for Staff and Parent Governors). The positions of Chair and Vice-Chair are elected, and Governors with responsibility for Safeguarding and Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) nominated, by the Governors on an annual basis.

The Academy Council meets a minimum of four times during the academic year. The primary purpose of the meetings is to review and monitor the progress of the Academy Improvement Plan, identify any areas of risk to be reported to the Trust Board, and consider the medium and long-term strategic development of the academy. Monitoring mainly involves talking to children and staff, visiting classrooms to see learning in action, and examining children’s work books and other documentary material. Governors also take the opportunity to talk with families at Parents’ Evenings.

Across the Trust, Academy Council Governors work in collaboration with other Academy Councils to support the improvement, development and success of each academy in the Kite Academy Trust. Training opportunities for Governors are provided by the Kite Academy Trust.


For statutory Governor information and meeting attendance for the 2023-24 academic year, please click here.

For information regarding the governance structure of the Kite Academy Trust, please click here.

For statutory information and reports relating to the Kite Academy Trust, please click here.

Minutes of Academy Council meetings are available on request. Please contact the Academy Head in the first instance.

For any other information, or if you would be interested in becoming a Governor, please contact

Our Academy Council Governors:

Ian Ayre

Ian Ayre (Chair)


It is a privilege to be Chair of the Academy Council at Hale. It is very rewarding to be involved with such a happy, vibrant and inclusive school that strives to meet the needs of every child. This strong sense of purpose is shared by all and epitomised by the PRIDE values, ensuring that the children are safe and their potential nurtured.

As Governors, we monitor provision and support but also challenge leaders as we strive to improve the academy. We are lucky to have the opportunity to see, at first hand, the excitement and engagement of the children as they are challenged by the creative curriculum that is delivered by the committed and caring staff team

I have been a Governor at Hale for over 20 years and my family has been heavily involved with the school throughout that time. Our two daughters were pupils at Hale and thrived in this environment. My wife taught at Hale, to be followed a few years later by our younger daughter who returned to teach at Hale, until last year.

Prior to my retirement, I was a teacher working initially in secondary education, then moving into advisory work mid-career, leading training and working alongside schools in Surrey and Berkshire across the 2-19 age range. Latterly, I was Deputy Head Teacher of a large 'outstanding' special school, a rating which it retains to this day. Alongside my responsibility for Pupil Achievement, Quality Assurance and being the school’s SENCO, I was also the school’s Child Protection Lead and sat on Wokingham’s Safeguarding Children’s Board.

This experience has informed my work as a Governor and I look forward to contributing further to the benefit of pupils and the school as we move forward as a member of the Kite Academy Trust.

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Sean Robertson


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Helen Dines

I’ve been a governor at Hale since 2018, serving as Chair of our Academy Council during the 2019/20 school year as we transitioned to be part of the Kite Academy Trust family. 

Working with Hale’s fantastic staff and Governors is a pleasure – we’re all committed to celebrating the great school it is and continuing to strive to make it the best it can be. Of course, the acid test is the children – they are a delight; their creative ideas, caring support for each other and jokes are amazing and they always seem to be having a wonderful time, so something must be going right!

By day, I’m Director of Projects at an Insurance Consultancy but was previously a secondary school maths and economics teacher. Education remains a subject I’m very passionate about. It’s great to be able to play a part in the terrific environment that Hale provides to set your children up for a path as happy, successful, considerate members of our society.

Adam Aston

Adam Aston

As a local resident and the father of a little girl at Hale, I am really keen to do all that I can to support the children and staff of the Academy. I was appointed as a Parent Governor in 2019 and now as a co-opted Governor.  I enjoy the aspects of both supporting the school and seeking opportunities to maximise the terrific potential that Hale holds.

I intend to do all that I can to make people aware of the brilliant children and staff of Hale. I believe that every child has talent and abilities just waiting to be discovered.

Professionally, I am a Captain on the Airbus A320 for British Airways, predominantly flying routes across Europe. I previously trained other pilots, hence have an interest for education and personal development. Away from work and governorship, I enjoy mountain biking, drumming in a local band - and anything aviation related!

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Janice Prentice


With two children at Hale Academy (years 3 and 4), I am committed to seeing them and their fellow pupils thrive in a safe and supportive environment. Being a parent governor means I can be actively involved in this and have been impressed by how open to questions and different views the leadership are at Hale.

At work, I regularly speak to leaders, managers, employees and communities and help them share their views and understand the need to work with people where they are. As I work with public sector organisations, I have a good understanding of the process of government and public service policy making. I am also bringing experience of supporting organisations (including other academy trusts) to progress around equality, diversity and inclusion by implementing actions for positive change.

I am deeply committed to fairness and reducing inequalities and this especially applies to making sure that all children have excellent and fair opportunities to progress and develop. I believe we can do this best by building positive involvement with parents and our local community.

Due to family work opportunities, I am currently continuing by Governor role virtually from the Netherlands.

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