Ofsted Reports

Hale Academy was inspected by Ofsted in March 2024 and has remained a Good school.

We are exceptionally proud of the feedback given in the report which included:

'Pupils thrive in this inclusive, caring and ambitious school.'

'Pupils are proud of their school, and the roles they play to make a tangible difference to school life.'

'The school is orderly, calm and safe.'

'Pastoral care is a strength of the school. Many pupils benefit from impressive emotional and mental health support.'

'Children make a wonderful start in Nursery and Reception, where every opportunity is captured for meaningful learning.'

'Classrooms are productive, calm and focused. Relationships are warm and positive, and learning is not disrupted.'

'Pupils’ wider development is prioritised. They love learning about different faiths and cultures, warmly greeting families new to the school from other nations.'

'Leaders, trustees and governors share a vision for the school to be aspirational for all.'

'Teachers benefit from excellent professional development.'

To view any Ofsted report, please follow this link- Ofsted Website



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